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SOM Data Management: Data Management Plan


The DMPTool is a free, open-source, online application that helps researchers create data management plans. ZSOM/Feinstein is a member of DMPTool. When you sign up for an account, please choose Northwell Health, Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, Zucker School of Medicine as your organization.

IRB/Human Subjects Research

Northwell/Feinstein's Human Research Protection Program's website is available here. Phone: (516) 465-1910. Email:

Hofstra's IRB website is available here. Email:

Survey Tools

Qualtrics (Available under myApps on the Hofstra portal for Hofstra faculty, students and staff)

Survey tool that supports complex survey logic and a variety of integrations. Not HIPAA compliant.

REDCap (Available to Northwell users with universal ID and password by application)

Survey tool for use with personal health information. HIPAA compliant. Northwell's training website for REDCap.

Microsoft Forms

Form builder in Office 365. Not HIPAA compliant. Microsoft training for Forms.

Northwell Health Data Policies

Northwell Health data policies:

  • #GR052 - Maintenance, storage, and archiving of human subject research data, and policy
  • #GR021 - Research data ownership

Policies can be found on the Northwell Intranet.

NIH Data Management Plan Policy

Previously, the NIH only required grants with $500,000 per year or more in direct costs to provide a brief explanation of how and when data resulting from the grant would be shared.

The 2023 policy is entirely new. Beginning in 2023, ALL grant applications or renewals that generate Scientific Data must now include a robust and detailed plan for how you will manage and share data during the entire funded period. This includes information on data storage, access policies/procedures, preservation, metadata standards, distribution approaches, and more.  You must provide this information in a data management and sharing plan (DMSP). The DMSP is similar to what other funders call a data management plan (DMP).

In addition, to reduce burden on investigators also subject to the Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy, NIH will no longer require submission of separate GDS Plans. Instead, one plan will be expected where applicants describe genomic data sharing within their DMSP.

The DMSP will be assessed by NIH Program Staff (though peer reviewers will be able to comment on the proposed data management budget). The Institute, Center, or Office (ICO)-approved plan becomes a Term and Condition of the Notice of Award.

Adapted from University of Arizona Data Management Plan Guide

If you plan to generate scientific data, you must submit a Data Management and Sharing Plan to the funding NIH ICO as part of the Budget Justification section of your application for extramural awards. 

Your plan should be two pages or fewer and must include:

  • Data Type
  • Related Tools, Software and/or Code
  • Standards
  • Data Preservation, Access, and Associated Timelines
  • Access, Distribution, or Reuse Considerations
  • Oversight of Data Management and Sharing.

Adapted from University of Arizona

Writing a Data Management Plan

Recommended Elements of a Data Management Plan (as noted by the ICPSR):

  • Data Description: nature, scope, and scale of generated/collected data
  • Access & Sharing: how you intend to make your data available to others
  • Metadata: descriptive standards about your data
  • Intellectual Property Rights: data ownership
  • Ethics & Privacy: informed consent and confidentiality issues
  • Format: anticipated submission, distribution, and preservation formats
  • Archiving & Preservation: how will you ensure this for the long term
  • Storage & Backup: how and where will copies be stored
  • Security: how will security be ensured
  • Responsibility: who is the data steward
  • Existing Data: is similar data available elsewhere
  • Selection & Retention Periods: which data is retained and for how long
  • Audience: who is likely to see and use this data
  • Data Organization: version control and naming conventions
  • Quality Assurance: are there standards to be met
  • Budget: how will costs for archiving be paid
  • Legal Requirements: are there any related to archiving and sharing

Source: Data Management Plan LibGuide, University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System

NSF Data Management Plan Requirements

The DART project developed a rubric to standardize the review of data management plans. The tool was created by librarians to inform the development of research data services at academic libraries, and it is not part of the NSF official guidance to develop data management plans. However, the DART rubric presents a clear list of contents that an NSF data management plan should address. Some researchers find it useful when developing their data management plans. 

The DART rubric can be downloaded here

If your organization receives an award based on a proposal submitted, or due, on or after January 25, 2016, then you need to abide by NSF's Public Access requirement. This means that you are required to "making copies of articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals and juried conference papers resulting from NSF awards available to the public free of charge no more than 12 months after initial publication". These publications will need to be deposited in the NSF Public Access Repository (NSF-PAR). More information here

Source: Oregon State Libraries

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