Source: Data Management Best Practices: Documentation, Created by the University of Pennsylvania Libraries
What is a ReadMe File?
The ReadMe file is an important piece of the data documentation process. The ReadMe file provides basic information about a data file or dataset to ensure that the data will be interpreted correctly by all users.
For best practices and recommended content, read the guide below created by Cornell University's Research Data Management Service Group:
What is a codebook?
A codebook contains information on the structure, contents, and layout of a data file. The purpose of the codebook is to summarize the key information about the variables in a research project.
Structure of a codebook:
ICPSR recommends including the following structure and elements when creating a codebook:
Front Matter:
Source: What is a Codebook?, ICPSR
Additional Resources:
What is metadata?
Metadata is data that provides information about other data. It's main purpose is to provide description and context which will help in organizing, finding, and understanding data.
Metadata standards
Most data repositories require that your project metadata follows a specific standard. The best-known, commonly-used, domain-agnostic standard is Dublin Core. The following are the fifteen properties used to describe data using Dublin Core:
For information on additional metadata standards, visit the Digital Curation Centre's site or the Research Data Alliance's site.
Additional Resources
Source: Research Data Management LibGuide, Created by University of Michigan, Taubman Health Sciences Library
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