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SOM Covidence: Home

What is Covidence?

Covidence is a web-based software platform that streamlines the production of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Some of the features include:

  • Automatic de-duplication
  • Support for citation screening, full text review, Risk of Bias (RoB) and Data Extraction stages
  • Resolution of screening, RoB, and data extraction conflicts, and agreement on final consensus data
  • Import of citations from a range of reference managers and de-duplication of study citations (with manual override)
  • Storage of full text study reports
  • Risk of Bias assessment
  • Extraction of study characteristics and outcomes
  • Export of data and references into RevMan 

Joining the ZSOM/Northwell Health Libraries' Covidence Institutional License

To register for a Covidence account and to request access to the ZSOM/Northwell subscription, you must use your current,, or email address.

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your information (using one of the three approved email domains) and click the Request Invitation link
  3. Accept the invitation in your email
  4. Sign up for a new account by clicking on the Sign Up link located towards the bottom of your screen. Do NOT click on the green Start FreeTrial button.

​​​Please note that the institutional license will supersede the personal terms and conditions.

To connect an existing Covidence account to the ZSOM/Northwell subscription:

  1. Check to see if your Covidence account login email is a,, or address. If your email does not fall within these domains, you must adjust your email address from your Covidence preferences in order for the next steps to work. If you do not want to change your profile email address, please reach out to Wendy Herman (
  2. Go to
  3. Enter your information and click the Request Invitation link. Please enter in the email address you use to login.
  4. Accept the invitation in your email
  5. Log into your account if you haven't done so already. You should see the label Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell and Northwell Health listed on the main page once you're connected.

​​​Please note that the institutional license will supersede the personal terms and conditions.

How to Use Covidence

Visit Covidence's YouTube channel for additional videos

To register for an account, follow instructions here.

After registering for an account, visit to login.

Visit Covidence's YouTube channel for additional videos

Exporting References from PubMed:

1. Start at PubMed and complete your search

2. Save the desired citations to your clipboard and access the clipboard contents

2. Click on Save

3. Select Format >> PubMed >> Create file

This should automatically create and download a file that you can then import directly into your review in Covidence.

To import references to your review:

  1. Click Import from the Review Summary page
  2. Select which stage you'd like to import studies into
    • Screen: studies for title and abstract screening
    • Full text review: studies included during title and abstract screening, which are now ready for full text review
    • Included: studies included during full text review, which are now ready data extraction
    • Excluded: studies excluded during full text review
    • Irrelevant:  studies excluded during title and abstract screening
  3. Click Choose file and select the file from your computer
  4. Click Import

Once your file is uploaded, you'll be re-directed to your Review Summary page. From here you can monitor the progress of your import, as shown below.

Once you’ve successfully imported your file into Covidence, it’s best to check your import. To do this, go back to the Import studies tool >> Import History page. Here you can see those references that Covidence has automatically detected as duplicate or studified record. If your import appears to have fewer references than expected, check for duplicates, and for references that have been associated into a single study, as this is likely the cause!

  1. Login to Covidence
  2. Click on the Start a New Review button
  3. When creating a new review, you'll have the option to use your personal account or the ZSOM/Northwell institutional license. It would be preferable to select the ZSOM/Northwell license since there are an unlimited number of reviews that can be created.

Note: All reviews created under the institutional license will be visible to the administrators of the ZSOM/Northwell Covidence license.

  1. Click the Create Review button

Visit Covidence's YouTube channel for additional videos

Visit Covidence's YouTube channel for additional videos

Visit Covidence's YouTube channel for additional videos

Contact Us

Librarians are available to be a part of the research team for a systematic review project.  We can also assist you with using Covidence.  To contact a librarian about your project, fill out the Request a Systematic Review Consultation form under the Library Services tab on EMIL.  


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