Axinn Library provides access to many electronic books (eBooks). When searching the catalog, you will see a link to the eBook. You can view the content right on your computer screen but in most cases, it is easier to read the book from an eBook reader. Most eBooks can be downloaded to an eBook reader such as IPad, Kindle, Nook, etc. Click on the link above for instructions on downloading eBooks.
You can use our Interlibrary Loan service to borrow the material from another institution. Click on the link above to access the Interlibrary Loan system. If you are a first time user, you will need to set up an account (it's free!). Make sure to use your Hofstra network account.
Tip: If you are not finding books on your topic, simply filter your search to LIBRARIES WORLDWIDE (left side of screen). You can then identify books published on your topic held in other libraries. When you find a book noted "at other libraries worldwide" you can click on the title and request the book through Interlibrary Loan.
You can search for books from the LIBRARY HOMEPAGE.
Click on the Books/eBooks tab to get to HUL book collections. Please note you can limit your search to eBooks Only or you can browse ebooks by title.
Search Hints
Books are shelved together by subject. You may want to start your search by using DISCOVERY and identifying a few books on your topic. Keep in mind that books are shelved in Axinn Library by subject area so when you find a book that is relevant to your research, take some time and see what other books are in that area.
You may just want to browse the stacks by subject area. Axinn Library uses the Library of Congress Classification system to arrange books by topic on the shelves. Click on the link above to see the classifications. Then use the Book Call Number Floor Locator Chart to determine the floor where you will find your subject area.
When browsing, keep in mind that HISTORY is a broad area and often books can be classified in other areas. For example, books about labor history may be classified (or shelved) with Labor Studies (in the H's), books about the history of medicine may be classified with Medicine (in the R's). Click on the link above to view the entire Library of Congress Classification outline.
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