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SOM ORCID: Building Your ORCID Profile

Automatically Update Your ORCID by Connecting with Elements

If you are affiliated with Zucker SOM/Northwell Health you can now connect your ORCID to our research information management system, Symplectic Elements. Elements is curated by the library as a service to our faculty and pulls in publications from Pubmed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Dimensions databases according to author name and affiliation data. 


This one-time process will allow Elements to push your publications to your ORCID profile automatically, eliminating the need to periodically update your profile directly via ORCID’s website for as long as you're at ZSOM/Northwell Health. 

To connect your ORCID, follow the step by step instructions or the video guide below:


How to Manually Add Works to ORCID

There are three ways to add works to your ORCID profile:

  1. Link your works from another system such as Scopus or Europe PMC
  2. Import a BibTeX file* from a reference manager such as EndNote. If you would like a BibTeX file of your current publications, please contact Leanna Stager.
  3. Enter the information manually.


*BibTeX is a file format that is used to describe and process lists of references. BibTeX files can be imported by many reference managers such as EndNote, Mendeley, and RefWorks.

Importing Works From Other Databases

Instead of manually entering each publication you can import publications from other databases to help populate your ORCID profile quickly and easily. ORCID allows you to search a variety of databases in different subject areas and suggests publications for you to add to your ORCID profile. We recommend searching Scopus and Europe PMC.

Note: This is a one time import, not an automatic, ongoing feed. You will need to repeat this process to update your profile as you continue to publish. 

Follow the steps below to import your publications from outside databases:

1. To link works from other databases to your ORCID profile click "Add Works" and select "Search and Link"


2. Select a database from the list and follow the instructions on screen to add publications from the selected database to your profile:


Importing a BibTeX File from EndNote

1. Click "Add Works" and select "Import BibTeX"

2. Click "Choose file" and select the file you exported from EndNote

3. For each reference, click the "save" icon. Note: Some references may require edits before saving. Make any necessary changes by clicking the "edit" icon then click "add to list". 

1. Open the EndNote Desktop containing the references you want to export to ORCID

2. If you do not want to export all of your references, create a group of the references you want to export. For info on creating groups, see our guide here.

3. EndNote Desktop will only export the references currently displayed. Click on the group you want to export OR on "All References" in the side menu

4. Click "File" then "Export"

5. Uncheck the "Export Selected References" box

6. Select "BibTeX Export" as your Output Style. NOTE: You may have to choose "Select Another Style" if BibTeX isn't a default choice. Find "BibTeX Export" on the list and click "Choose"


7. Click "Save" and save the file to your computer

1. Log in to EndNote Web

2. If you do not want to export all of your references, create a group of the references you want to export. For info on creating groups, see our guide here.

3. Hover over "Format" then click "Export References"

4. Choose which references to export (either all references or a group) from the "References" dropdown menu

5. Choose "BibTeX Export" from the "Export Styles" dropdown menu

6. Click "Save" and save the file to your computer


Enter Reference Information Manually

1. Click "Add Works" and select "Add Manually".


2. Complete the fields with the necessary information (be as thorough as possible!) and then click "Add to List" at the bottom of the page. NOTE: For "Identifier Type" you should select and input the DOI.


1. Rowlett, K. ORCID: Building Your ORCID Profile [Internet]. Reading, United Kingdom: University of Reading; 2016 [cited 2021 Aug 30]. Available from:

2. University Library. Research Identity: ORCID [Internet]. Hobart TAS, Australia: University of Tasmania; 2016 [cited 2021 Aug 30]. Available from:

What If I Have Multiple ORCID IDs?

If you have more than one ORCID ID you can deprecate any unneeded profiles via your account settings. For full instructions, see this guide from ORCID support.

How to Get the Most Out of Your ORCID

1. Add the following to your profile:

  • Name
  • Other names/name variations
  • Education and/or Employment
  • Email Address(es)
  • Your research outputs (articles, posters, meeting abstracts, book chapters etc.)
  • Keywords

2. Keep it up-to-date

  • use database alerts to prompt you to add your new publications
  • reflect your current affiliations

3. Use it! Include your ORCID identifier:

  • on your webpage
  • when you submit publications
  • when you apply for grants
  • and in any research workflow to ensure you get credit for your work

ORCID links on Dimensions

ORCID profiles are also linked in the Dimensions database which includes information on publications, grants, datasets, clinical trials, and patents. 

Click here to explore Dimensions

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