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What is ORCID?

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID, pronounced like the flower) is an open, community-based, non-profit organization whose goal is to create and maintain a registry of unique research identifiers which allow your colleagues, institution, publishers, and funding agencies to link you to your work and distinguish you from researchers with similar names. 


Why Do I Need ORCID?

  • To correctly link you to your work regardless of institution changes or name ambiguities such as:
    • variations (Jonathan M. Doe vs. John Doe vs. J. Doe vs. J.M. Doe)
    • changes (maiden vs. married name)
    • diacritics (Jörg Müller vs. Joerg Mueller)
  • To distinguish your work from that of other researchers with similar names
  • To collect all of your work in one place, regardless of format
  • To help avoid having to manually re-enter bibliographic data in various systems across the institution
  • Some publishers and funding agencies require you provide an ORCID

What is a Research Identifier?

Researcher Identifiers, also known as Digital Author Identifiers (DAI) or Scholarly Identifiers, are unique numeric codes that establish a unique identity for a given author or creator. Research Identifiers are becoming more important in today's scholarly and publishing systems because the number of authors and research outputs keeps expanding globally, challenging our ability to associate individuals with their works accurately and unambiguously. There are several research identifiers, including ORCID, Scopus ID, and Web of Science's Researcher ID.


Other identifiers are associated with certain countries, institutions, disciplines, or proprietary systems (like Scopus or Web of Science) so their scope is limited. ORCID is internationally established, disciplinary neutral, and platform agnostic. It has been specifically designed to not only act as a standalone research identifier but to connect all other identifier systems. How robust an identifier system is relies entirely upon how widely it is adopted and ORCID integration is now offered by many institutions, organizations, and publishers including:

  • AAAS*
  • The American Chemical Society
  • Elsevier
  • Wiley
  • Nature
  • Springer
  • PLoS*
  • Rockefeller University Press*
  • CERN
  • Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
  • The FDA
  • NYU
  • and many more!

*ORCID required to publish

Sullenger, P. ORCID and Other Researcher Identifiers [Internet]. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University; 2015 [cited 2021 Aug 30]. Available from:

Contact Us!

Have questions about ORCID? Need help registering or setting up your profile? Contact Leanna Stager for assistance. 

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